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Be Prepared - Create A Hospital Directive

The goal of this website is to give you Guidance on EARLY TREATMENT so that you can AVOID a HOSPITAL VISIT

However, Covid is unpredictable and some underlying conditions MIGHT make a Covid fight a little more complicated

So in efforts to be prepared for ANY possibility we encourage you to make a Hospital Directive NOW!

Your Hospital Directive Needs to Cover these 4 Categories:

1) Choose a Patient Advocate / Medical Proxy / Power of Attorney

2) Covid-19 Addendum

3) Patient Rights according to the AMA's Code of Ethics

4) Advanced Directive

Here is a Hospital Directive Template that I made

that you're Welcome To Use

1) Choose Your Medical Proxy / Power of Attorney

When you cannot speak for yourself, This person will be advocate for you and will speak on your behalf. Choose someone you trust to follow your wishes and understand what is best for you. With COVID-19, most healthcare systems are not allowing healthcare proxies to join you in the exam room. However, they may be able to connect you via phone, so it’s still important to make sure they are aware of your wishes. You can assign your healthcare proxy using a state-approved form or as a part of your advance directive

2) Complete a Covid-19 Addendum

You can use the attached COVID-19 Addendum to decide what kind of care you want if you are diagnosed with COVID-19. Make sure any preferences you note in your COVID-19 Addendum are consistent with your Advance Directive. For example, if you have determined you do not want to be resuscitated, then you must fill out the state-specific Do Not Resuscitate order. To complete your COVID-19 Addendum, be sure to follow your state’s laws for certifying your state’s advance directive. For example, some states require two witnesses or notarization.


You can see an example here or fill out the COVID-19 Addendum online now.

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3) AMA Code of Medical Ethics Patient Rights 

I think during this time of uncertainty especially knowing that certain Medical Facilities have participated in "The Crime", it might serve you to REMIND any potential caregivers that YOU and YOUR Power of Attorney are AWARE of the Code of Medical Ethics and your Rights as a Patient:

These include the right:

  1. To courtesy, respect, dignity, and timely, responsive attention to his or her needs.

  2. To receive information from their physicians and to have opportunity to discuss the benefits, risks, and costs of appropriate treatment alternatives, including the risks, benefits and costs of forgoing treatment. Patients should be able to expect that their physicians will provide guidance about what they consider the optimal course of action for the patient based on the physician’s objective professional judgment.

  3. To ask questions about their health status or recommended treatment when they do not fully understand what has been described and to have their questions answered.

  4. To make decisions about the care the physician recommends and to have those decisions respected. A patient who has decision-making capacity may accept or refuse any recommended medical intervention.

  5. To have the physician and other staff respect the patient’s privacy and confidentiality.

  6. To obtain copies or summaries of their medical records.

  7. To obtain a second opinion.

  8. To be advised of any conflicts of interest their physician may have in respect to their care.

  9. To continuity of care. Patients should be able to expect that their physician will cooperate in coordinating medically indicated care with other health care professionals, and that the physician will not discontinue treating them when further treatment is medically indicated without giving them sufficient notice and reasonable assistance in making alternative arrangements for care.

4) Advanced Health Care Directive

Your Advanced Directives ensure the Hospital knows exactly what Life Saving treatments you want.


Your Hospital Directive NEEDS TO BE SIGNED BY YOU



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